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Does My Insurance Policy Cover Roof Damage?

Most homeowner insurance policies will provide coverage for roof damage. Hurricanes and tornadoes are also usually covered. When it comes to roof damage in Tampa Bay, Shingle Masters Roofing & Construction can discuss your insurance options. Although wind, rain, and hail are covered by your home insurance policy, there are many factors that determine if your damage will be covered. The same basics that apply to your roof may apply to your exterior property as well. Exterior property is considered anything that is attached to the outside structure of your home, for example, siding, soffit & fascia, and gutters.

A green home with light brown asphalt shingles.

Homeowner Insurance Policies

Although wind, rain, and hail are covered by your home insurance policy, there are many factors that determine if your damage will be covered and, if so, how much you will be reimbursed.

Some homeowner insurance policies take the age of your roof into consideration. If your roof is under 10 years old, you may be covered for the full cost of repairing or replacing the damaged portion of your roof. If your roof is over 10 years old, you may only be reimbursed for the depreciated value.

Roofing Services, such as repairs and replacements, can be expensive. Therefore, it is important to take the proper steps to help prevent possible roof damage. Replace worn or broken shingles if necessary, and remove any dead branches or trees that could potentially fall and damage your home’s roof.

Remember that all insurance companies cover roof and exterior property damage differently. Let the experts at Shingle Masters can come visit your home and can help discuss your options.

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