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Roof Contractor Testimonials

A well-managed company with professional workers who know their trade. We are more than satisfied.

Bill & Judy Bowen

We had a couple of bids for our roof. Not only was Shingle Masters within the ballpark on the price, but they were so professional. They kept us in the loop every step of the way. A huge crew came out and within a day and a half had the roof totally redone.

Wendy Billington

We called and within 15 min Eric called back and set up an appointment for the next day. (that was a lot faster then 2 or 3 weeks we had waited for the other roofers to come) He came on time the next day gave us a detailed estimate and detailed price on the job, explained upgrades that we could do to the roof and a detailed price on those upgrades. No pressure whatsoever.

Dennis Paulson

Shingle Masters did a great job and I highly recommend them. They were quick and polite. My house looks great!

Mary Anne Browne

Eric Rodriguez gave me the best estimate of quality materials and prices to re-shingle and repair my roof. Their crew did an outstanding job of repairs and installations of a skylight, new roof vents shingles. I would recommend them to anyone.

John Roys

our experience with Shingle Masters was fantastic. From the minute Eric walked through the door until the last nail was hammered in. Eric was pleasant and professional. He explained the process from start to finish. Chris was assigned as project manager and kept us on the loop throughout the project. Fast, neat and professional. Outstanding service. Thank you!!

Dianne Kennedy

Fantastic experience with Shingle Masters, from my first contact, throughout the roofing process, to the post inspection follow-up, I have never dealt with a more professional, friendly, and courteous company. Eric Rodriguez, their estimator, conducted a comprehensive inspection and provided great insight into my options, the reroofing process, and the costs. Brandon, the project manager, visited the day before start and walked me through his team’s actions and the project schedule.

Ray Brylski

We went through several bids and chose Shingle Masters, for their high level of professionalism, experience in building roofing systems ensuring all warranties would stand up over time, and their Platinum rating with Owens Corning.

Tina Hodge

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