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At Shingle Masters Roofing & Construction, we believe being a great contractor means more than just providing quality roofing services. It’s also about making a positive impact in our community. That’s why community outreach and volunteer work are fundamental parts of our company culture.

Below is a list of associations and schools that we have worked with in recent years.

Local School Sponsorships

Education is important to us, which is why we proudly sponsor several local elementary schools. Our sponsorships help provide funding and resources for various school programs.


Shingle Masters proudly supports and sponsors several events hosted by Cimino Elementary School, including the yearly Fall Fest!

Shingle Masters sponsors the Bevis Elementary School helping provide support, helping hands, and materials for various drives, festivals and fundraisers.

Shingle Masters supports and sponsors the Alafia Elementary School, helping the school reach fundraising goals, event hosting and more!

Local Charities

We regularly sponsor and participate in community charity events throughout the year. These include fundraising campaigns, supply drives for those in need, and events that raise money for local causes and organizations.


Shingle Masters has been dubbed Honorary Mayor of East Hillsborough, raising money for various community causes, including Impact, Hope for Her, A Kid’s Place and more.

Shingle Masters proudly participates in a backpack drive hosted by a local teacher. All donations go to Down Syndrome Association of Tampa Bay, Miracles Outreach, Sustainable Families, A Kid’s Place, and local schools. 

Shingle Masters is a local sponsor for the Drew Garabo’s Down 2 Bowl event. This event helps to support the Down Syndrome Association of Tampa Bay!

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